Traditional vehicle maintenance flows are inefficient
Equipment uptime and Technician efficiency are hot focal points in the transportation marketplace. Traditional approaches to maintenance lean on phone and email. The consequent partner discovery and communication are point-to-point and non-transparent leading to anxiety, frustration and a general lack of productivity for both Fleets and Service Providers
REACH™ provides efficiency and visibility as a modern fluid exchange
Our web and mobile applications harness the latest advances in cloud communications and software design for over-the-road repairs, preventative maintenance, and more. Our clean and simple work order tracking system simplifies the service request process and allows drivers, equipment providers, and service centers large and small, to work more efficiently together, saving companies time, money, and resources.
Learn how REACH™ can help your business increase productivity, optimize spend and build new partnerships

REACH EaaS™ - Exchange as a Service
While our full-service offering comprehensively supports the functional needs of your cross-partner maintenance workflows, we do recognize that every client is unique.
Whether you are a fleet looking to connect your vehicle administrators with your service providers, call centers and OEMs via integrated maintenance workflows, or a service provider hoping to enhance service to your customers by integrating into their maintenance workflows, REACH EaaS™ (Exchange as a Service) has been built just for you!
REACH EaaS™ offers an out-of-the-box, standalone service to connect with the industry players directly, by leveraging our platform’s connection to thousands of maintenance industry players. Monetize your well-established workflows and systems and yet integrate with partners, sans the pain of point-to-point connections!
Write to us to learn more about REACH EaaS™

Our partnership

REACH™ has partnered with Bridgestone, a global leader in sustainable mobility, to help realize our joint vision of advanced solutions for vehicle maintenance and repair. Together, REACH™ and Bridgestone provide a holistic one-stop shop for all vehicle maintenance needs, leveraging our neutral, industry-standard exchange for the vehicle maintenance ecosystem. Learn about our partnership with Bridgestone and their mobility solutions here.
Leading Fleets and Service Providers trust us to discover and connect with their partners for vehicle servicing needs.